Last Sunday, the girls found a nice sunny spot to replenish some vitamin D on the roof of the pavilion. The next day it snowed. A lot. Then it all froze solid. It's nearly May for Pete's sake! I made it out the driveway for work just as the sun was coming up over the lake and decided to snap a picture---big mistake. The parking lot had a thick ice layer. I kept sliding away from the car. After removing shoes, socks gripped a little better. It was very scary driving back out to the highway.
A friend that bow hunts on our property at the cabin shot this turkey and gave it to us. Delicious. Full of omega-3's too, since they eat all the natural bugs and such... The wild birds are shaped a bit different so I had to cook it on its side....
Gol! You could be in Oregon!! Add some hail & heavy rains in with that...
Actually, we missed the snow this year. It's the first time since the last 5 years, I think. It has been in the higher 20's & lower 30's but no precipitation.
We are finally warming up now. I have managed to go a full week to work without wearing my silk longjohns, finally. Today was gorgeous :)
Well, let's see, last Tuesday it rained, then got around 76 the next day, then it was about 62 the next day and then it was 80 on friday, and it has been around 76 over the last two days or so, and a cold front and storm are supposed to be hitting around mid week, so we are all sneezing and coughing due to the drastic changes. Well,.... not as drastic as bikini weather to snow, but still : P.
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